spring has sprung….
Even though it was 46* this morning on my way to drop Susan-Laine at school, I am still of the mindset that SPRING HAS SPRUNG! The sun is shining most days, afternoons are warmer, and the sun doesn’t set at 4pm any longer. With the arrival of spring, let’s bring on the flowers!
Any grocery store these days has an array of fresh flowers from which to choose, and while it’s just fine and dandy to take them home and pop them in a tall vase, it’s also super simple to take that big bouquet and divide it up into smaller arrangements that can be placed throughout your home to remind you that we are finally coming out of the long dark winter.
For these arrangements, I simply used a few water glasses that are shaped like stemless wine glasses. I started by unwrapping the whole bouquet so that I could see what I was working with. Then, I located any stems that had leaves large enough to line the glasses and pulled those off, placing them (pretty-side-out) inside the glass. Once that was done, it was just a matter of grouping together what I liked, cutting the stems, and filling with water. Easy peasy!
I like to start with the larger flowers and fill in with smaller buds around that, especially if I am working with a pre-made bouquet only and not with extra greenery. I also like to cut the stems short enough so that the flower rests just above the top of the glass or vase. This will ensure that your arrangement looks full with fewer flowers, but sometimes it does take a time or two to cut them down to the correct length. Just remember you can always cut more off, but you can’t add any back if you go too short the first time around!
In just a few minutes of sorting, trimming, and arranging, you have several beautiful arrangements to fill your home!