all dressed up with nowhere to go….

A while back, I ordered several dresses to try for a friend’s wedding.  None of them worked for the wedding of course, but there was one that I just had to keep even though I had absolutely no where to wear it.  I mean ABSOLUTELY no where!!!  It was floor length, fully covered in sequins, and basically backless….

Where does a normal girl wear a thing like that???  Under a chunky sweater that has been tied up into a knot at the waist, of course!  

Seriously, I just loved the deep green of the dress, and it was just so sparkly and delightful that I couldn’t help myself!  I kept it and decided that maybe one day I would get invited somewhere super fancy and get to wear it, but as it hung in my closet taunting me, I just needed to wear it….One day, while staring into the abyss of my closet, it hit me….Dress it down!  Make it work!  You can do it!!!

So, for Christmas Eve, I decided to grab a chunky red sweater, throw it over my fancy dress, and tie it at the waist to give it shape.  It worked!  I got to wear my fancy dress and loved it!!!  Which just goes to prove that even if you *think* you have nowhere to wear it, if you love it, keep it!!!


i like big earrings & i cannot lie