accidental vacation. . . .

A few weeks ago, Amos found some amazing vintage pieces in an online auction in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and of course, we started bidding. Things went our way, and we “won” a few items. Since we would already have to rent a trailer, we might as well find enough goodies to fill it! Fast forward 2 weeks and one additional auction later, and Indiana, here we come! We picked Susan-Laine up a little early from school and headed off. We made it as far as Indianapolis and stopped for the night. Of course, we had to check out the famous St. Elmo Steak House. Let me tell you, their “World Famous Shrimp Cocktail” did not disappoint! Nor did the steaks or the navy bean soup or the Brussels sprouts….as you can tell from Susan-Lanie’s and my faces….It was well worth the stop!

The next morning, after hitting an amazing antique warehouse in downtown Indianapolis, Midland Arts and Antiques, we were headed to Ft. Wayne to pick up our first auction wins. On the drive, Susan-Laine started making a list of all the states that she had been to, and we realized that if we were going to be so close to Michigan, she might as well be able to check that one off as well! So, from Ft. Wayne, we headed for St. Joseph, Michigan!

St. Joseph was a gem of a little town! The shops, the restaurants, the people, the view of Lake Michigan….it was all just so, so lovely! We stayed at the charming Boulevard Inn & Bistro, sampled olive oils and balsamic vinegars from Olive Cart, and even stumbled upon a downtown parade! It was all so delightful, and Susan-Laine got to check off another state from her list!

From St. Joseph, we headed to the picturesque lake town of Syracuse, Indiana to pick up another estate haul. Then we headed back to Nashville with happy hearts from our little accidental vacation!




flying high and feeling hopeful….