travel….what used to be our favorite pastime….

What a year 2020 has been….Travel in 2019 was AMAZING, but travel in 2020 has been non-existent.  And, to say that I am sad about that would be an understatement.  We had plans for Mexico and Colorado over the summer, and they didn’t happen.  

(Insert overly dramatic crying emoji here)

But what’s a girl to do in a pandemic with no travel on the horizon?  Reminisce, of course!

This time last year, we were fortunate enough to have been invited to Kauai in celebration of a dear friend’s 50th birthday.  It was truly the trip of a lifetime!  Now, mind you, traveling to Hawaii from the eastern portion of the US is not for the faint of heart.  An 18 hour travel day with a 6 year old is interesting to say the least!  Wait, who am I kidding?  It was *way* harder on Amos and me than it was on Razzi…..She’s a travel CHAMP!!!  Anyway, I digress….But seriously, that travel day is brutal, so be forewarned….

Grueling travel time aside, it was such a magical vacation.  We completely immersed ourselves in the culture and local lifestyle.  We hiked and snorkeled and swam and drove our minivan all over that island.  The local people were just beautiful; the food was fresh and healthy and amazing; and obviously, the landscape was just breathtaking.  We took in every corner of the island, and it did not for one minute feel touristy or cheesy.  In fact, I had hoped to find a luau for Susan-Laine, but the concierge at the hotel said that they don’t really do those on Kauai.  They are apparently too touristy and the island prides itself on being truly authentic.  So, sadly, no luau for Susan-Laine, but she was so intrigued by snorkeling and hiking and learning Hawaiian words that she didn’t even mind.

In true Sue-anna fashion, I dreamed of living there the whole time we were on the island (and a lot since then!).  I even found the sweetest looking little Episcopal school for Susan-Laine.  I begged Amos for us to sell everything, move to Hanalei, and open a food truck!  Alas, he did not agree, and we still live in Nashville….


flying high and feeling hopeful….