thrifting at its finest….


Lately, there seems to be a trend towards reusing and repurposing and up-cycling things.  Thankfully!  It’s no secret that I love “old stuff” more than anything out there!  I love that vintage pieces have such a story to tell.  I love to imagine what those stories are, to dream up where they might have been and who they might have belonged to.  It’s just so fun to imagine!

Most of my thrifting is done at estate sales, consignment shops, and online auctions, but the other day, I had to drop off a few things at the Goodwill.  While I was there, I couldn’t leave without checking what was inside, and man, did I find a good one!!!

Somehow, somewhere along the line, my bedroom lost its identity.  It started out as I had envisioned - sleek, minimal, shiny - but as these are not terms that normally define my personal style, that original design plan just didn’t last.  I would drag home something new to hang on the walls or a new vase, or a new pillow, and at some point I gave up on my sleek white bedding and brought color back in.  Eventually, it just ended up as a “hot mess express!”

Slowly, I have been restyling it to reflect my true self, and while it is still a bit of a work in progress (We have bought a new headboard allowing us to finally have a king sized bed!), my latest find at Goodwill is allowing me to transition it to what I want without spending a fortune or buying something that I will just throw away when I am ready to tackle the full redo!

Just as I was about to decide that the Goodwill had nothing that I needed that particular day, I spotted a wingback covered in a great distressed linen.  When I went over to check it out, lo and behold, there were three matching down pillows included with it!  I moved the pillows and checked out the upholstery.  It was in great condition, and I was starting to get excited.  This could be the perfect find to help me get by bedroom back on track.  Then, I leaned down to check and construction of the chair, and to my astonishment, it was 8-way hand tied!  Score!!!  I excitedly drug it up to the counter to check out, had them load it up, and my new chair and I were on our way!


I got him (dark, moody colors seem to indicate that it’s a him) home and sprayed him and the pillows down with lysol.  After putting him in the right place, swapping out a bedside table and a rug, I had something that, for the first time in several years, felt like it was really my bedroom again!


mcm formal lounge….


never just one style….