listen. . . .

Ever feel like the world moves so quickly that it is impossible to be heard?  That your voice couldn’t possibly matter because no one would have time to listen to it?  I think that if one good thing has come from the changes brought on by the pandemic, it would be that we have all slowed down.  There is now more time to stop and truly listen to your friends, family, coworkers.  

It’s often forgotten that listening is a social grace.  It’s a nicety that we cannot afford to ignore or forget about just because we are busy.  It’s important.  It’s important to know that you give your people the attention and respect that they deserve and crave, and listening is even more important now that we are all at home and together more.  If you are a good listener, you are a good steward of those around you.  

And besides, it’s just bad manners not to listen!  I challenge you today to slow down and listen to your wife, your husband, your children, your mother.  Just listen and connect with someone and see how fulfilled you come away feeling.


thanksgivings of past….


taking time for gratitude….