thanksgivings of past….

Well, to say that Thanksgiving this year will look a bit different would be the understatement of the century! However, even as I sit here in full isolation and quarantine, there is still so much to be thankful for. Our bout of COVID has not been that bad. We are all together, albeit in separate areas of the loft. We have food in our tummies and warm blankets to snuggle under. No, as we approach Thanksgiving, this is not how we ever could have imagined it looking, but we are so grateful to be here and safe and happy.

So, as I look forward to the coming Thanksgiving holiday and try my best not to wonder what might have been, I leave you with this thought:

What are you most thankful for right now, in this moment, and how can you use that feeling of thankfulness and gratitude to bless someone?


the importance of family traditions. . . .


listen. . . .