the importance of family traditions. . . .

The Christmas before I turned 2, mother decided that it was time for me to learn how to properly behave in a social setting.  So, she invited several older ladies from church and the community over for tea.  We got all dressed up and had a lovely time visiting and sipping tea, Although, truthfully, I don’t remember how much tea sipping I was actually allowed to do!

The next year, it grew to include a few of my friends from nursery school and their mothers and grandmothers, and we continued the tradition each Christmas until I was in college.  By the time I was in middle school, it had grown to include about 200 ladies and girls!

I have been waiting for Susan-Laine to be old enough to do this since she was born, and I had planned to start it last year, but alas, Covid hit and we had to postpone.  However, 2nd grade was our year!  On the day that school let out, we hosted all of the girls from Susan-Laine’s class and their mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, any special ladies in their lives for an afternoon tea in our home.  The girls played and chatted and ate too many cookies while the ladies got to sip tea and Prosecco and chat and really catch up.  It was such a lovely time.  It had been so long since we were all able to gather and reflect and truly connect.  I think that all of our souls benefitted from it!

Before the last guest had left, we were already planning for the same date next year!  It’s so important to make these traditions and stick with them so that the next generation has memories and stories to share.  


this is 40….


thanksgivings of past….